chapter one

to do list: get weed, pick up w2, pick up camera from rob's

Written & Directed by James Borgman Starring Chase Carson, Marc Saladino, and Miriam Randolph. Featuring William Goblirsch, Jacob White, Rachel Sather, and Ryan Conlon

Shot entirely in Iowa City, Iowa. Originally published on Prime Video in 2019.

chapter two

to do list: sell game, meet brianna for lunch, pick up car from towing lot

Directed by Henry Parizek Written by James Borgman & Henry Parizek Starring Chase Carson, Marc Saladino, and Miriam Randolph Featuring Emelia Asieudu, Tempestt Farrar, Natalie Lawyer, Anna Zilbermints, Catherine Councell, and Zach Twardowski

Shot entirely in Iowa City, Iowa. Originally published on Prime Video in 2019.

chapter three

to do list: call poison control!

Directed by James Borgman & Ryan Conlon Written by James Borgman Starring Chase Carson, Marc Saladino, and Miriam Randolph Featuring William Goblirsch, Chris Walbert, and Christian Cook

Shot entirely in Iowa City, Iowa. Originally published on Prime Video in 2019.